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Who is not familiar with this one plant. Many of the names for this plant roots god, god leaves, or crown of the gods. Bannyak also people mentioned plants are plants connective lives. Actually, the nickname was given because the roots gods have many health benefits and can cure dangerous disease. But these plants are rare and the sales market also has a hefty price fantastic.
The content in the fruit of the gods root:
oil astiri
chlorogenic acid
Acid p-kumarat
Acid p-hydroxy benzoate
Alkaloids, triterpenoids
vitamin K
Here are the benefits of fruit roots gods:
1. Treating stroke
Stroke is a medical disorder that occurs as a result of tissue damage in the brain due to peyumbatan arteries have a duty to draw blood to the brain. This disorder should soon get some help because it can lead to fatal consequences. By eating the roots of gods and coupled with some other herbs like ginko seeds and a little honey, is said to overcome this disorder.
2. Treating rheumatic
The disease is also known as uric acid which health problems occur in the bone joints. In order to avoid this disease should improve eating habits for the better, low-fat, moderate protein, and complex carbohydrates. To cure this problem gods root fruit can also be used, drink boiled water from the fruit of the gods roots. This stew can also be added with red ginger and palm roots sky.
3. Treating diabetes
Diabetes or diabetes occurs because the blood sugar levels are too high. In root fruit god there is a substance called hipoglikemin that can lower the blood sugar levels.
4. Treating hypertension
The disease is also a lot going on today, also said to hypertension or high blood pressure can trigger the symptoms of stroke. This condition is where the blood pressure in the arteries is constantly increasing. Root fruit contains hipotesif gods that can lower high blood pressure. It is recommended drink a decoction decoction of the root of this god regularly in order to obtain optimal results.
5. Troubleshooting coughing and vomiting blood
Coughing followed by vomiting of blood so to watch out, because it can signify that a serious disruption on our health. Drink decoction of the roots of the god on a daily basis and gradually the disease will be reduced.
6. Able to cope with menstrual disorders
Menstrual disorders dann lot of problems perceived by women, such as menstrual pain is very exaggerated. But the roots of god can solve this problem, by consuming water decoction of the roots regularly god.
7. Treating cancer
Sitotastik levels in the leaves of the gods were able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the human body. Eat fruit herb or root decoction god regularly.
8. Treating bleeding or swelling in the breast
Many things that cause this disorder include puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, or pengggunaan contraceptives. Enough regular consumption of water decoction of the roots of this god every day
9. Able to treat wounds
Burns or scrapes can be treated with a combination of root tubers god with brown sugar, then spread on the injured body part. Not only that, bruises can also be overcome with this herb.
10. Powerful remedy for warts
Warts are actually a type of benign tumor in the skin, it is because thickening of the outer skin excessively. The trick to using herbs to treat this god, the god leaf puree and place it on the affected skin warts.
11. Treat ganglion
Ganglion cyst is a type that usually appear on the hands or feet. how to treat it fairly regularly consume the leaves of the gods to make way god leaves as fresh vegetables every day.
12. Treating heart disease
Heart disease is caused by a momentary cessation of blood flow to the heart. However, this disease is the number one killer, especially for adults. There are so many factors that cause heart disease, ranging from obesity to smoking and alcohol addicts. Mentioned natural remedies to reduce the risk of heart disease is to eat fruit concoctions root gods with daily routine.
13. Remove black spots on the face
Black spots are highly damaging interference appearance, especially for women. How to cope with it is not difficult, using the sap of the root squeeze dar god then apply on the face that there are black spots.
14. Treating dengue fever
Named dengue virus is a virus that causes a person infected with dengue fever. Modes of transmission of this disease is through the bite of aedes aegypti and worst fact is that the disease is often fatal. By using a root decoction god 2 times a day on a regular basis, will be able to cure dengue fever
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