Tuesday, 10 May 2016

things to remember

1. If you have a problem occurs, ill be avoided (confused), but MUST BE FACED calmly (think way out) and must have completed / no solution.

2. Facing all things, unlikely that negative thinking, such as: "I would have been incapable", "I can not", and so on. But always think positive, such as: "I can, there must be a way out" and others.
3. Already and happy all depends thought alone !! (Mind is the forerunner !!). So keep our minds - good. Do not think bad / negative. Always think positive (good).

4. Any difficulties / troubles will end. for whatever the problem is to be completed as well as time passes. As the proverb says: NO PARTY IS NOT OVER.

5. People who succeed 85% determined on the attitude / behavior, 15% of a newly defined skills. So our attitude is very important in life.

6. Everything changes (anicca). We will not have difficulty. For example: now difficult, then surely turn out to be happy. Now there are people who malcontent on us, someday would be good too.

7. The law of karma, means doing good will get good results, and vice versa, such as rice planting, surely the rice harvest. Remember!! Keep every moment as they do (planting) goodness in order to get (harvest) goodness. Do not commit a crime. And jgn hope to get a reply from our good deeds !!!

8. Health Problem most number one (berhaga). Take care of our health with exercise, adequate rest and do not eat haphazardly.

9. Life is full of problems / issues / suffering. So we know sdh MAY NOT ALWAYS CURRENT / QUIET. Prepare mentally, full of courage, patience and energy to deal with it. That's a fact of life that must be faced by every human being.

10. A person's future depends on the attitude and books were read. So it is very important to read and determine one's future.

11. Do not speak evil of others, because we will be judged ugly
by people who listen to it.

12. Intercourse is very important and is one key to success. May associate with evil and good as long as we SHOULD KNOW SELF / NOT AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT. Better yet, if we could lead the evil to the right path.

13. Budi parents, can not be paid with anything. as well as
orang2 minds who have helped us.

14. Every human being has its advantages and disadvantages. So do not be inferior to our shortcomings. and do not be jealous of the excess people. Respect YOURSELF IS !!! \

15. DO contrasts (debate) small things that were unthinkable useful
with anyone.

16. The key to success dlm life, always eager, effort, discipline, patience, hard working, diligent prayer / prayer, lots to do good as well as the document can not despair.

17. Do Judging people from Treasure (wealth), appearance or condition
physical. Everyone was SAME !!!

Posted by Felice Sadira at 6:19 AM
Confidence, Trust and Hope
Once, all village people Decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer,
Gathered all the people but only one boy Came with an umbrella; that's

Trust should be like the feeling of a one-year-old baby. When you throw him
in the water, he laughs ... because he knows you will catch him; that's Trust.

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next
morning but still we a make plans for the coming day; that's Hope.


Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness;
Bad days give you experiences;
Both are essential to life


Ditulis Oleh : Esal Susianto Hari: 13:07:00 Kategori:

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